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Lindy Chamberlain to Kathleen Folbigg: history repeats itself as scientists call for reform 20230905 01:16:06 721
Lindy Chamberlain to Kathleen Folbigg: history repeats itself as scientists call for reform 20230724 23:58:47 702
Wage theft, exploitation and modern slavery are often reported as isolated scandals — but for many new Australians, they are a fact of life 20211218 22:25:04 505
Climate change conspiracies are spreading rapidly during UN's COP26 event 20211111 08:20:41 426
College costs have increased by 169% since 1980—but pay for young workers is up by just 19%: Georgetown report 20211103 01:04:22 418
More than 80 countries pledge to cut methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030 20211103 01:04:22 405
The tech entrepreneur who founded Trump's go-to TV news network 20211030 01:52:10 372
Donald Trump launches new social media platform to fight back against Big Tech – Brighteon.TV 20211027 03:52:12 322
Singapore open for vaccinated Australian travellers from November 8 20211027 03:52:12 320
Experts: Meals given to the poor often score low on healthy eating scale 20211026 04:53:59 318
What Previous Covid-19 Waves Tell Us About the Virus Now 20211026 04:53:59 316
Exposed: Google powerful stronghold over online advertising is revealed in court documents 20211026 04:53:59 315
Anglicare Australia report reveals staggering number of people competing for jobs 20211026 04:53:59 312
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