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Dr Martens launches Buzz line inspired by 1990s archive new Fashion Network USA
20250208 03:40:03
Move over Bud Light, it’s time for a lip gloss ad. new Elle
20250208 03:40:07
New York Is So Back at Calvin Klein new Elle
20250208 03:40:07
Clarks releases 200th anniversary documentary film new Fashion Network USA
20250208 03:40:03
As designer merry-go-round continues, Sabato De Sarno exits Gucci new Fashion Network USA
20250208 03:40:03
As designer merry-go-round continues, Sabato De Sarno exits Gucci new Fashion Network USA
20250208 01:40:12
Dr Martens launches Buzz line inspired by 1990s archive new Fashion Network USA
20250208 01:40:12
Move over Bud Light, it’s time for a lip gloss ad. new Elle
20250208 01:40:12
New York Is So Back at Calvin Klein new Elle
20250208 01:40:12
Clarks releases 200th anniversary documentary film new Fashion Network USA
20250208 01:40:12
Nike CEO's turnaround plan began with call to NFL's Roger Goodell new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Edit LDN founder Rashid takes key marketing role at Topshop, Topman new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Zara Taps Style Not Com for New Capsule Collection new Elle
20250207 19:50:03
Area names Nicholas Aburn as new creative director new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Big names link with Fashion For Good to make shoes more sustainable new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
The Emerging Brands ELLE Editors Are Watching This NYFW new Elle
20250207 19:50:03
L'Oréal acquires stake in fragrance brand Amouage new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Safilo, Dsquared2 announce early eyewear license renewal new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Milk Makeup expands into Ulta Beauty new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Who Will Be Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl Guest Stars? Here’s What We Know new Elle
20250207 19:50:03
New York Fashion Week off to strong start with defining American fashion new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Ferragamo family seeks to send message of stability after CEO Gobbetti's exit new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
Ex-Fortnum's chief Venters joins Paul Smith board in non-exec role new Fashion Network USA
20250207 19:50:02
This Face Oil Is Like Zoloft for Your Skin new Elle
20250207 19:50:03
L'Oréal buys minority stake in Jacquemus new Fashion Network USA
20250207 11:50:15
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