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Poll: More NZers oppose than support Treaty Principles Bill new 1 News Now
20241210 07:10:18
New Lord of the Rings film set to hit the big screen new 1 News Now
20241210 07:10:18
Homicide investigation launched after man dies in Naenae shooting new 1 News Now
20241210 07:10:18
US prosecutors charge suspect in United Healthcare CEO's killing with murder new 1 News Now
20241210 07:10:18
Man dies after being struck by car in Auckland's Massey new 1 News Now
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Rupert Murdoch’s bid to change family trust rejected new 1 News Now
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Person dies following two-car crash in Taranaki new 1 News Now
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'Not ET': Strange signal disrupting council water monitoring in Otago new 1 News Now
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Prominent advocate for farmers, Chris Allen, dies aged 62 new 1 News Now
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Oldest known stone tablet inscribed with Ten Commandments to be auctioned new 1 News Now
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Entire Canterbury region moves to restricted fire season new 1 News Now
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Second person charged after man found dead in Levin building new 1 News Now
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Man dies of his injuries days after South Auckland hit-and-run new 1 News Now
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Sorry, New Zealand – owning your own home is not an 'investment' new 1 News Now
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Luigi Mangione charged with murdering healthcare CEO in New York new BBC News
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New Zealand to ban greyhound racing new BBC News
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PinkNews bosses accused of sexual misconduct new BBC News
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Syrian rebel leader says he will name Assad officials wanted for torture new BBC News
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Champion cyclist pleads guilty over wife's car death new BBC News
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BBC at McDonald's where Luigi Mangione was arrested new BBC News
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New York prosecutors charge suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO killing with murder, court records show new The Globe and Mail
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What to know about Luigi Mangione, the suspect arrested in the UnitedHealthcare CEO’s killing new The Globe and Mail
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Why has the killing of a U.S. health insurance CEO caused so much online glee? new The Globe and Mail
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Kirby Dach snaps scoring drought with clutch goal off ‘lucky bounce’ new The Globe and Mail
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Rupert Murdoch fails in bid to change family trust, according to reports new The Globe and Mail
20241210 06:30:15
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