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Geologist Ian Plimer: Earth has undergone dramatic climate shifts long before humans existed new
20250208 05:00:18
South African minister calls for MINERAL BOYCOTT in response to U.S. aid cuts new Natural News
20250208 05:00:18
USAID’s wasteful spending: How taxpayer dollars funded COVID labs, LGBTQ initiatives and more new Natural News
20250208 05:00:18
Just remember, COVID-19 was never bad enough to SHUT DOWN the BORDER new Natural News
20250208 05:00:18
Education Department places 55 employees on paid leave as part of Trump administration’s efforts to dismantle DEI initiatives new Natural News
20250208 05:00:18
Argentina shakes up global health, WITHDRAWS from the globalist World Health Organization new Natural News
20250208 05:00:18
Geologist Ian Plimer: Earth has undergone dramatic climate shifts long before humans existed new Natural News
20250208 05:00:18
Bacteria Living Inside Your Mouth May Shape Your Dementia Risk new Science Alert
20250208 03:50:47
Children of Divorce Face Greater Risk of Future Stroke, Study Reveals new Science Alert
20250208 03:50:47
Scientists Just Revealed How to Cook The 'Perfect' Egg new Science Alert
20250208 03:50:47
AI to revolutionise fundamental physics and ‘could show how universe will end’ new Guardian - Science
20250208 03:40:03
Men have grown twice as much as women over past century, study shows new Guardian - Science
20250208 03:40:03
USAID putting nearly all staff on leave; overseas missions shuttering new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
As Trump ends USAID missions, officials fear Ebola outbreak in Uganda may spread new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump orders U.S. to prioritize refugee resettlement of White Afrikaners new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump to fire multiple Kennedy Center board members, name himself chair new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Judge declines to restrict DOGE's access to Labor Department systems new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump officials exerting unprecedented control over CDC scientific journal new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump fires archivist of the United States new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
How a Tennessee woman turned surrogate for her former high school teacher new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump administration tells states to stop spending on EV charging infrastructure new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump targets a Wall Street tax break also in Democrats' crosshairs new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Trump says he is revoking Biden's security clearance new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250208 03:40:03
Geologist Ian Plimer: Earth has undergone dramatic climate shifts long before humans existed new
20250208 03:20:11
Hubble telescope captures stunning spiraling star formation new MailOnline - Science
20250208 03:20:12
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