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Pictured: Sir Chris Hoy undergoes life-saving chemotherapy for deadly prostate cancer while wearing freezing cold cap to protect his hair new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Terrifying untreatable 'genital super-fungus' that has been spotted in the US and France already 'silently' spreading in Britain, experts warn new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
'People need it every hour': Terrifying addiction risk of popular over-the-counter cold and flu remedy, warns top doctor new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
'Do not eat!' Major supermarket issues urgent recall of pasta favourite due to life-threatening allergy risk new Mail Online - Health
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One in three kids now OBESE in some areas of the UK - do you live in child obesity hotspot? Check our interactive ... new Mail Online - Health
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Scientists believe popular drug may end the mysterious outbreak of colon cancer in young people new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Our children were handed a death sentence when a simple blood test at birth could have saved their lives - by the time ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Mystery explosion of colon cancer in young people claims another victim: As James Van Der Beek is diagnosed at just 47, these are ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Scientists say they've pinpointed amount of screen time in kids that increases autism risk new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Chemicals in weed killer could be driving rise in prostate cancer - as cases surge in younger men new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Scientists say they've found proof of the afterlife after discovering haunting similarity in the experiences of millions who've come back from the brink ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Warning as mouth cancers reach record high in the UK - and experts say oral sex could be to blame new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
The alarming reasons so many young people now need hip replacements... but it could leave them in even MORE pain, doctors reveal new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Urgent warning over life-threatening signs of stroke that are easily missed new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Patients could find it even harder to see a GP after Labour's hike in National Insurance, health leaders warn new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
I was blinded and left with horrific facial deformity after a parasite began breeding in my eyeball new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
My dad died after 19 days on a miracle weight loss drug: Grieving daughter reveals the first sign something was terribly wrong - ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
DR MAX PEMBERTON: Why we must stop diagnosing those who say they feel awkward as autistic new Mail Online - Health
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Have you just quit smoking? This is how long it will take for your risks of major diseases to health drop back to ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
The 'natural' alternatives to Ozempic: From herbal extracts to supplements, spice pills and even types of smoothies, our experts reveal which ones REALLY ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Top doctor recommends four key daily supplements to help men avoid erectile dysfunction - one might already be in your bathroom cabinet new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Alzheimer's drug hailed as major breakthrough could actually triple risk of dying, new research warns new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
My runny nose is so bad I can't sleep. How CAN I get it to stop? DR ELLIE has the answer new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Why must women become their husbands' unpaid therapists? Inside the rise of 'mankeeping' - and the sad reason why so many men have ... new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
Popular wine brands have secretly slashed alcohol content AND hiked prices - 'It's drink-flation' say horrified customers new Mail Online - Health
20241106 00:30:34
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