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Sex workers find themselves at center of Congo's mpox outbreak new VOA News - Science & Health
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Trump returns to scene of shooting - and a town trying to heal new BBC News
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The puzzling rise of cancer in younger people new BBC News
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Premier League: Crystal Palace v Liverpool - build-up & team news new BBC News
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Guardiola wants delayed start for Man City next season new BBC News
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Ten Hag decision 'not my call' - Ratcliffe new BBC News
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Day-Lewis film shoot ticketed by traffic wardens new BBC News
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Our Moon May Have Been Stolen, And It's Not The Only Example We Know of new Science Alert
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FDA-Approved Antidepressant Treats Incurable Brain Cancer in Preclinical Trial new Science Alert
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Postdoctoral Scholar - Muscle and Mitochondria Biology new Nature
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Mike Adams releases explosive new rap song, “God Is With Us” new Natural News
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Israeli airbase sustains extensive damage from Iranian missile strikes, but Israel is censoring reports on the damage new Natural News
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John Kerry tells World Economic Forum that “it’s hard to govern” because of First Amendment new Natural News
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Facebook built a VIP censorship pipeline for the White House and CDC, documents reveal new Natural News
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John Kerry says the quiet part out loud: “First Amendment stands as major block” to “govern” new Natural News
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Massachusetts Gov. Healey invokes “emergency” powers to confiscate guns new Natural News
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Oil prices SURGE after Biden heard “discussing” military attacks on Iranian oil facilities new Natural News
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Sermon 22: Mike Adams explains how to DETOX using God’s molecules new Natural News
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Trump’s crowdfunding campaign for those affected by Hurricane Helene raises $4 million in just a few days new Natural News
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Hurricane Helene death toll now over 200 as disaster relief operations continue new Natural News
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