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Luigi Mangione charged with murdering healthcare CEO in New York new BBC News
20241210 07:00:10
New Zealand to ban greyhound racing new BBC News
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PinkNews bosses accused of sexual misconduct new BBC News
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Syrian rebel leader says he will name Assad officials wanted for torture new BBC News
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Champion cyclist pleads guilty over wife's car death new BBC News
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BBC at McDonald's where Luigi Mangione was arrested new BBC News
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Researchers find brain-body immune link in the dural sinuses and skull marrow new News Medical
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Eating breakfast later lowers blood sugar spikes in type 2 diabetes patients new News Medical
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Financial hardship still prevents many asthma patients from taking medications new News Medical
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New triplet therapies show promise for relapsed and newly diagnosed leukemias new News Medical
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Smoking linked to increased genetic mutations in myelodysplastic syndromes new News Medical
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Tea, apples, and chocolate proven to support liver health new News Medical
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Glyphosate exposure linked to lasting brain inflammation new News Medical
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Suicide attempts, drug addictions and eating disorders: Inside McFly's troubling mental health struggles Danny Jones moves I'm A Celeb viewers with panic ... new Mail Online - Health
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The disturbing risks of 'extreme inbreeding' revealed, despite NHS claims it's no more dangerous than being an older parent - as MPs call ... new Mail Online - Health
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Top GP reveals the antidepressant taken by millions that he thinks patients should AVOID... and two other common medications he's reluctant to prescribe ... new Mail Online - Health
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Scientists discover the REAL reason women fake orgasms - and it might not mean their partner is bad in bed new Mail Online - Health
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Our lives are scarred forever by a medical scandal no one talks about in Australia. As victims overseas get huge payouts, the dam ... new Mail Online - Health
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Scientists discover the brain's three ageing 'waves'...and it starts before the age of 60 new Mail Online - Health
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I'm a 34-year-old with colon cancer and I don't know how long I have left - I kick myself for ignoring two key ... new Mail Online - Health
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Strokes are skyrocketing in 'fit and healthy' men under 40 - experts reveal alarming reason why new Mail Online - Health
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The everyday biohacker: I reduced my biological age by 10 YEARS with easy changes anyone can do - proving you don't have to ... new Mail Online - Health
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Revealed: The most popular sex kinks in each UK city - including 'jeans' and 'smoking' new Mail Online - Health
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REVEALED: How social media influencers earn thousands from selling prescription Mounjaro jabs to women who simply want to get beach body ready new Mail Online - Health
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How much will you eat this Christmas? Calculator adds up ALL the calories you'll ingest from bingeing roast potatoes, turkey and pigs in ... new Mail Online - Health
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