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Young Australians have misconceptions about choking during sex new Health - ABC news
20250208 05:00:07
Troubled convict-era asylum finds global recognition among historic sites new Health - ABC news
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This is what free school lunches look like, as Tasmania expands program new Health - ABC news
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Growing concerns as dementia projected to double within 30-years new Health - ABC news
20250208 05:00:07
Thai-Myanmar border migrant camp impacted by Trump's executive order new Health - ABC news
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NZDF called after 'item of concern' found in Hamilton man's belongings new 1 News Now
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Local board backs Fa'anānā Efeso Collins mural new 1 News Now
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DOC 'cautiously optimistic' for New Zealand's rarest bird new 1 News Now
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One killed, several injured while crossing Canterbury river on quadbikes new 1 News Now
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Trump revokes Biden's security clearance, ends intelligence briefings new 1 News Now
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Aliens, sloths, silliness: Super Bowl ads offer laughs, celebs, surprises new 1 News Now
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Davis set for Mavs debut, understands ire of fans who lost Doncic new 1 News Now
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New Facial Plastic Surgery Survey Illustrates Impact of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists new HealthDay
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Increase Seen in Cases of Schizophrenia Linked to Cannabis Use Disorder new HealthDay
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Geologist Ian Plimer: Earth has undergone dramatic climate shifts long before humans existed new
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South African minister calls for MINERAL BOYCOTT in response to U.S. aid cuts new Natural News
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USAID’s wasteful spending: How taxpayer dollars funded COVID labs, LGBTQ initiatives and more new Natural News
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Just remember, COVID-19 was never bad enough to SHUT DOWN the BORDER new Natural News
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Education Department places 55 employees on paid leave as part of Trump administration’s efforts to dismantle DEI initiatives new Natural News
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Argentina shakes up global health, WITHDRAWS from the globalist World Health Organization new Natural News
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Geologist Ian Plimer: Earth has undergone dramatic climate shifts long before humans existed new Natural News
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In fantasy football, the loser gets embarrassed and fellow team managers get laughs new The Globe and Mail
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‘He sees us as a piggy bank’: How Trump views Canada, and the stealthy patriotism Canadians are showing in response new The Globe and Mail
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Trump policies on gender-affirming care and passports for transgender people challenged in court new The Globe and Mail
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Federal unit uncovers ‘malicious’ effort tied to China aimed at Chrystia Freeland new The Globe and Mail
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