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How swing state voters in Georgia are feeling on election day new BBC News
20241106 01:00:03
The biggest prize battleground state - and why it matters new BBC News
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Donald Trump casts his vote with wife Melania new BBC News
20241106 01:00:03
What this election means for the rest of the world new BBC News
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How Israelis and Palestinians see the US election new BBC News
20241106 01:00:03
US election weighs on Ukraine's frontline soldiers new BBC News
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How Britain is preparing for new US president new BBC News
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Accusations fly in Spain over who is to blame for flood disaster new BBC News
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The last place to be mapped in the US new BBC News
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'Him against the world' - how Vinicius Jr's fight goes beyond football new BBC News
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How swing state voters in Georgia are feeling on election day new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
The biggest prize battleground state - and why it matters new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
Donald Trump casts his vote with wife Melania new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
What this election means for the rest of the world new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
How Israelis and Palestinians see the US election new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
US election weighs on Ukraine's frontline soldiers new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
How Britain is preparing for new US president new BBC News
20241106 00:50:06
Accusations fly in Spain over who is to blame for flood disaster new BBC News
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The last place to be mapped in the US new BBC News
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'Him against the world' - how Vinicius Jr's fight goes beyond football new BBC News
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Keir Starmer has 'blood on his hands', says son of father-of-two farmer who 'took his own life fearing he'd lose £2m estate in ... new MailOnline - News
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Waddle you doing here? Emperor penguin surprises surfers in Australia after travelling 2,100 MILES from its home in Antarctica - the longest journey ... new MailOnline - News
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How swing state voters in Georgia are feeling on election day new BBC News
20241105 23:40:04
Watch: The biggest prize battleground state - and why it matters new BBC News
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Watch: Donald Trump casts his vote with wife Melania new BBC News
20241105 23:40:04
Generals Business & finance Science & nature Psychology & humanities Life, fashion & sports global Health & live science || Recommended articles
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