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Study sheds light on the cellular machinery of aging 20211118 20:51:48 439
Drinking two coffees and two teas a day may cut risk of stroke and dementia by up to a third, study claims 20211118 20:51:48 438
Heart rates of older couples synchronize when they are close together 20211118 20:51:48 437
Rare case of woman's body ridding itself of HIV 20211118 20:51:48 436
Rising Fundamentals Of Gold & Silver 20211111 08:20:41 433
Study finds best time to go to sleep to lower risk of heart disease
20211111 08:20:41 432
The Brain Has a Special Kind of Memory for Past Infections
20211111 08:20:41 431
More than HALF of women have had their periods and sex lives disrupted during Covid because of the stress of the pandemic, study claims 20211111 08:20:41 430
Is Blue Light Harming Your Skin Health? 20211111 08:20:41 429
Is Eating Alone Bad for Your Heart? 20211111 08:20:41 428
High-risk Covid gene more common in South Asians 20211111 08:20:41 427
Climate change conspiracies are spreading rapidly during UN's COP26 event 20211111 08:20:41 426
COVID-19: How Thailand is using a 'cheap and effective ' traditional herbal medicine to treat coronavirus 20211111 08:20:41 425
The next generation of sugar alternatives is here - but are they the answer? 20211111 08:20:41 424
The Set-Up For Gold & Silver Is Historic 20211103 01:04:22 419
College costs have increased by 169% since 1980—but pay for young workers is up by just 19%: Georgetown report 20211103 01:04:22 418
7 Tips to Help You Develop a Quiet Mind 20211103 01:04:22 417
Why Companies May Be Overlooking Their Best Talent 20211103 01:04:22 416
'Real-life Iron Man' demonstrates his futuristic JET SUIT to Army bosses to highlight how soldiers could soar through the skies over warzones at more than 80mph 20211103 01:04:22 415
Harvard professor urges parents not to give children coronavirus vaccines because "risks outweigh any benefit" 20211103 01:04:22 414
People prefer friendliness, trustworthiness in teammates over skill competency 20211103 01:04:22 413
Do YOU "ghost" your exes? You might be a PSYCHOPATH! Men who end relationships by cutting off all communication tend to have "dark" personality traits, study finds 20211103 01:04:22 412
Do nootropics and brain boosters work, and are they safe? 20211103 01:04:22 411
How cellular clocks regulate cardiac physiology 20211103 01:04:22 410
The effect of mass vaccination on COVID-19 mortality in Israel 20211103 01:04:22 409
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