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Trump trade war can be won by sacrificing sacred cows in dairy farming and agriculture new The Globe and Mail
20250122 05:50:09
How TikTok danced its way out of its darkest hour new The Globe and Mail
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Bonkers, exhausting and compulsively watchable, is Landman the most America-first series ever? new The Globe and Mail
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Men have grown twice as much as women over past century, study shows new Guardian - Science
20250122 05:50:09
Fitness and muscle strength could halve cancer patient deaths, study suggests new Guardian - Science
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Having more sex makes early menopause less likely, research finds new Guardian - Science
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Tall people at greater risk of cancer 'because they have more cells' new Guardian - Science
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Why sex bias in labs means women are the losers in research into ageing new Guardian - Science
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Global research uncovers varying diabetes mortality risks by ethnicity new News Medical
20250122 05:50:13
How gut microbiota impacts childhood obesity new News Medical
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Muscle fat infiltration predicts heart disease risk better than BMI, study finds new News Medical
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Climate change is fueling a neurological health crisis, experts warn new News Medical
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Scientists discover critical factor in bone remodeling process new News Medical
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Breakthrough study links genetic mutations to epigenetic changes in aging new News Medical
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The Star That Proved the Universe Is Bigger Than We Imagined new SciTechDaily
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Geoengineering Gone Wrong? Proposed Climate Solution Could Actually Have Dangerous Side Effects new SciTechDaily
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Scientists Unveil Stunning New Images of Hidden Exocomet Belts Around 74 Nearby Stars new SciTechDaily
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Breakthrough Process Turns CO2 and Electricity Into High-Protein Food new SciTechDaily
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The Surprising Link Between Sparkling Water, Metabolism, and Weight Loss new SciTechDaily
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Bio-Engineered “Super Glue” Sets New Strength Record – Could Transform $50 Billion Industry new SciTechDaily
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Ultra-Slim Metamaterial Breakthrough Could Change How We Use Light new SciTechDaily
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Elon Musk slammed for controversial “Nazi” salute at Trump inauguration rally new France 24 - Fight the fake
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Trump's UN nominee touts peace through strength on world stage new VOA News
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Democratic-led states sue to block Trump's birthright citizenship order new VOA News
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Trump repeals humanitarian parole for migrants from four countries new VOA News
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