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'Not violent people': Trump says he doesn't have to warn supporters new World - 9News
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Joe Rogan endorses Trump on eve of the election new World - 9News
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'Boom toy': Georgia poll worker arrested on bizarre bomb threat charges new World - 9News
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School has accurately predicted the next US president for more than 50 years new World - 9News
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Music titan Quincy Jones dies aged 91 new World - 9News
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First results show just how close US election could be new World - 9News
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It's a knife-edge election. But dig deep enough and there are enough clues to suggest a winner new World - 9News
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Rare outcome as first election results come in new World - 9News
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Boeing workers vote to end most expensive US strike in over 25 years new World - 9News
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North Korea fires barrage of ballistic missiles at the sea ahead of US election new World - 9News
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Man arrested after federal officials say he sought to destroy Nashville power site new World - 9News
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4 teens wounded in fight on train involving axe, samurai sword new CBS News - World
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fires his defense minister new CBS News - World
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Minneapolis musician Tyka Nelson, Prince's sister, dies at 64 new CBS News - World
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'Wizard of Oz' ruby slippers up for auction 19 years after being stolen new CBS News - World
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FBI: Bomb threats against US voting locations appear to be coming from Russia new VOA News
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Control of US Congress at stake in Tuesday voting new VOA News
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Report: Russia deceives OPEC on oil sales to fund Ukraine war new VOA News
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