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Size matters: How body size shapes dogs' aging patterns 20231014 03:04:25 729
Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body 20231014 03:04:25 728
Will YOU Live Until You are 100? Answer May Lie In Your Blood, Scientists Claim As They Discover Secrets Of Longevity In Centenarians 20231014 03:04:25 727
Electric Flying Car Takes Off in Dubai: A Great Success,Tech Firm Says of Its Vehicle 20230924 09:45:29 726
What is standing in the way of the flying car?y 20230924 08:49:57 725
Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body 20230924 08:49:57 724
How Entrepreneurs' Brains Might Be Different 20230905 01:16:06 723
Research proves common viruses may lead to cancer 20230905 01:16:06 722
Lindy Chamberlain to Kathleen Folbigg: history repeats itself as scientists call for reform 20230905 01:16:06 721
Skincare Enthusiasts Claim Skin Smoothies Make Your Face Glow—Dermatologists Weigh In 20230905 01:16:06 720
Researchers discover mechanisms behind aggressive cancer metastases 20230905 01:16:06 719
How much water do you need? 20230905 01:16:06 718
Why do some people live to be 100? Intestinal bacteria may hold the answer 20230905 01:16:06 717
Dry Cleaning Chemical Could Be Major Cause of Parkinson, Scientists Warn 20230905 01:16:06 716
New Grasshopper-Like Material Can Leap 200 Times Its Own Thickness 20230905 01:16:06 715
Extreme earners are not necessarily extremely smart 20230905 01:16:06 714
All the Gold in the Universe Was (Likely) Created This Way 20230905 01:16:06 713
New layer of Earth is discovered 100 miles below the surface: Region of molten rock covers at least 44% of our planet 20230905 01:16:06 712
To be successful, let go of false ideas about sacrifice and productivity, says president of the American Psychological Association 20230905 01:16:06 711
How to stop your cell phone from dying so fast 20230905 01:16:06 710
Europe's largest store of rare earth metals discovered in Sweden 20230905 01:16:06 709
Why We Think Things Could Always Be Better 20230905 01:16:06 708
Rosemary is the secret to long and healthy hair. Here is how to use it to grow luscious locks 20230905 01:16:06 706
We have pumped so much groundwater that we have nudged Earth's spin 20230724 23:58:47 705
Research proves common viruses may lead to cancer 20230724 23:58:47 704
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