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'We're pawns in a game': US aid workers left in limbo overseas as agency slashed new BBC News
20250208 05:40:03
Before 'Gulf of America', it was called the Chinese Sea new BBC News
20250208 05:40:03
'We left pieces of our life behind': Indigenous group flees drowning island new BBC News
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The enduring mystery of Amelia Earhart new BBC News
20250208 05:40:03
How a border divided my family's language new BBC News
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Few people in the history of medicine can say they have saved more lives than Henrietta Lacks. new BBC News
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Multiple states join lawsuit to block DOGE from accessing Americans' personal data new NBC News
20250208 05:40:04
Missing plane with 10 aboard found crashed in Alaska, no survivors expected new NBC News
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Springfield, Ohio, sues neo-Nazi group that it says led Haitian intimidation new NBC News
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Imprisoned 'Chrisley Knows Best' couple to seek pardons from Trump new NBC News
20250208 05:40:04
Why some are lashing out at the Super Bowl's pre-game ceremony new NBC News
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Demonstrators with Nazi flags leave Cincinnati-area highway overpass after residents confront them new NBC News
20250208 05:40:04
Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images file new NBC News
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A test that aims to rule out autism using a strand of hair is now available to the public new NBC News
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Federal health workers terrified after 'DEI' website publishes list of 'targets' new NBC News
20250208 05:40:04
Opposition lawmakers protest alleged mistreatment of Indian deportees by U.S. new NBC News
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NZDF called after 'item of concern' found in Hamilton man's belongings new 1 News Now
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Local board backs Fa'anānā Efeso Collins mural new 1 News Now
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DOC 'cautiously optimistic' for New Zealand's rarest bird new 1 News Now
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One killed, several injured while crossing Canterbury river on quadbikes new 1 News Now
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Trump revokes Biden's security clearance, ends intelligence briefings new 1 News Now
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Aliens, sloths, silliness: Super Bowl ads offer laughs, celebs, surprises new 1 News Now
20250208 05:00:13
Davis set for Mavs debut, understands ire of fans who lost Doncic new 1 News Now
20250208 05:00:13
In fantasy football, the loser gets embarrassed and fellow team managers get laughs new The Globe and Mail
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‘He sees us as a piggy bank’: How Trump views Canada, and the stealthy patriotism Canadians are showing in response new The Globe and Mail
20250208 05:00:22
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