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Aliens, sloths, silliness: Super Bowl ads offer laughs, celebs, surprises new 1 News Now
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Davis set for Mavs debut, understands ire of fans who lost Doncic new 1 News Now
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New Facial Plastic Surgery Survey Illustrates Impact of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists new HealthDay
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Increase Seen in Cases of Schizophrenia Linked to Cannabis Use Disorder new HealthDay
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Tourists killed as hostel in Sri Lanka was fumigated for bedbugs new World - 9News
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Trump appoints himself chairman of leading US cultural board new World - 9News
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Missing commuter plane found crashed on Alaska sea ice and all 10 aboard dead new World - 9News
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Trudeau caught on hot-mic talking about Trump new World - 9News
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Donald Trump revokes Joe Biden's security clearance new World - 9News
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Man fined $300 for using speakerphone in French train station new World - 9News
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Crowd gasps as Julie Andrews takes revenge in acceptance speech new World - 9News
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How Kamala Harris could soon be America's second most powerful politician new World - 9News
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Small plane slams into Sao Paulo street, killing two passengers new World - 9News
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Burnt-out shell of Grenfell Tower will be demolished, UK government confirms new World - 9News
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Victim of Sweden's deadliest mass shooting called fiancee to say he loved her new World - 9News
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ICC condemns sanctions by Trump administration new World - 9News
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Swedish police say mass shooter was connected to school where he opened fire new World - 9News
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Survivors of Grenfell fire angry at plans to demolish death trap tower block new World - 9News
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US national athletics association bars trans athletes from women's competition new World - 9News
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Prince Andrew School will be renamed to drop 'controversial ties' new World - 9News
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Second judge blocks Trump's birthright citizenship order new World - 9News
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Judge blocks Trump worker buyout plan new World - 9News
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'Boy in the Bubble' gets to touch his family for the first time new World - 9News
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Sam Kerr denies using 'white' was an insult to police officer new World - 9News
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