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How the surreal 'Dali Atomicus' was captured new BBC News
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The old salt mine where Nazis hid stolen art new BBC News
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America's last Revolutionaries: Rare photos of US patriots new BBC News
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The song that ended Europe's longest running fascist regime new BBC News
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Five letters that changed the course of history new BBC News
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Why 180,000 ancient cats were sent to England new BBC News
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Beyoncé album highlights the long history of Black cowboy culture new BBC News
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Essential climate news and hopeful developments across the globe, every Tuesday in your inbox. new BBC News
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Trump says Nippon will invest heavily in U.S. Steel rather than purchase the company new CNBC - USA
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Trump delays cancellation of de minimis trade exemption targeting China imports new CNBC - USA
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Singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie stripped of Order of Canada new The Globe and Mail
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Trump’s pursuit of a ‘golden age’ jolts Canada to confront its growth problem new The Globe and Mail
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Trudeau announces the appointment of three new senators new The Globe and Mail
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Ontario election kicks off with tariffs – but will it end up being about something else? new The Globe and Mail
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Manitoba Tory candidate won’t apologize for joking that polar bears could deal with homeless new The Globe and Mail
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Police arrest 12 in Thunder Bay accused of hacking intimate images of more than 100 victims new The Globe and Mail
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Liberal leadership candidates clear a challenging fundraising hurdle new The Globe and Mail
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Trump says he’s revoking Biden’s security clearance, ending intelligence briefings in payback move new The Globe and Mail
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How the slash-and-burn tactics Musk brought to Washington backfired at Twitter new The Globe and Mail
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How Canadian restaurants are remaking their menus with a focus on fare grown at home new The Globe and Mail
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‘Buy Canadian’ and the week Canadians got mad at the U.S. new The Globe and Mail
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