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'Teal' independent campaign receives boost as Liberal moderate resigns new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
'Trying to disappear us': Dutton won't use Indigenous flags at press events as PM new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Restaurateur says he has 'let everyone down' for displaying Nazi symbol at rally new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Nearly 70 students showed 'anomalous results' following VCE exam bungle new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Australia's huge houses show 'failure of a city' but there's an elegant solution new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Residents urged to destroy homegrown produce as fruit fly detected in Perth new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Artificial intelligence to join lifeguards in helping prevent drowning this summer new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
'These aren't accidents': Police, volunteers left to pick up the pieces on WA roads new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Queensland government blocks any change to abortion laws after the issue almost derailed LNP election campaign new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Beach 'mutilations' prompt protections for sharks and rays across SA new ABC News
20241210 05:10:22
Exercising for 30 minutes improves memory, study suggests new Guardian - Science
20241210 04:50:12
Six lifestyle choices to slow memory decline named in 10-year study new Guardian - Science
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Middle-aged people ‘need sleep to see mental health benefits of exercise’ new Guardian - Science
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US wary of fissures, fragmentation as Syria looks to rebuild new VOA News
20241210 04:50:13
Biden memorializes painful past of Native people new VOA News
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Haiti gang massacres around 180 people, targeting elderly new VOA News
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How Trump and Biden shaped the courts: Comparing their judicial achievements new VOA News
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Luigi Mangione, suspected New York shooter, charged with murder new World - 9News
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US veteran, 80, allegedly killed over parking spot dispute new World - 9News
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What is a 'ghost gun', allegedly used by the New York shooting suspect? new World - 9News
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'Time to do the right thing': New Zealand announces plan to ban greyhound racing new World - 9News
20241210 04:50:13
'Polarisation' is word of the year, according to oldest dictionary in US new World - 9News
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Disney influencer dies after suffering medical emergency at brand event new World - 9News
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More than 180 killed in Haiti gang massacre after accusations of witchcraft new World - 9News
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Rupert Murdoch loses battle to control who will own his media empire new World - 9News
20241210 04:50:13
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