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Schoolgirl, 15, was stabbed to death during fit of 'white-hot anger' by 'friend's ex-boyfriend in row over teddy bear', court hears new MailOnline - News
20241210 06:00:20
Europe shuts its doors on Syria: Germany and France among the first to say they will ignore asylum requests following Assad's downfall, with ... new MailOnline - News
20241210 06:00:20
What to Know about Lead Contamination in Cinnamon new Scientific American
20241210 05:50:02
Reserve Bank keeps interest rates on hold but leaves door open to a February cut new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
RBA keeps rates at 4.35pc after warning underlying inflation 'remains too high' new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Luigi Mangione charged with murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Rohan Dennis pleads guilty to lesser charge over death of Olympian wife Melissa Hoskins new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
'We've been injured by this device': Women lose contraceptive lawsuit new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
What we know about Luigi Mangione, the accused CEO killer new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Albanese vows to help rebuild synagogue during much-anticipated visit new ABC News
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Who is Abu Mohammed al-Golani, the man with a $10 million bounty on his head? new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Australia opens $400 million Pacific Policing Initiative in Brisbane new ABC News
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Assad has been defeated in Syria. What happens next? new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
'Teal' independent campaign receives boost as Liberal moderate resigns new ABC News
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'Trying to disappear us': Dutton won't use Indigenous flags at press events as PM new ABC News
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Restaurateur says he has 'let everyone down' for displaying Nazi symbol at rally new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Nearly 70 students showed 'anomalous results' following VCE exam bungle new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Residents urged to destroy homegrown produce as fruit fly detected in Perth new ABC News
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Artificial intelligence to join lifeguards in helping prevent drowning this summer new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
'These aren't accidents': Police, volunteers left to pick up the pieces on WA roads new ABC News
20241210 05:50:13
Outback rivers flowing as 'beautiful' rain 'hammers down' on Red Centre new ABC News
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Queensland government blocks any change to abortion laws after the issue almost derailed LNP election campaign new ABC News
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US charges two former Syrian officials for allegedly torturing Americans and Syrian nationals new CNN
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In pictures: Syrian rebels topple Assad regime new CNN
20241210 05:40:14
What we know about the CEO shooting suspect new CNN
20241210 05:40:14
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