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Stanford “misinformation” expert caught citing two academic journal articles that DON’T EVEN EXIST new Natural News
20241210 07:20:26
China launching world’s first AI training hospital new Natural News
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Trump’s plan to use military for mass deportation of migrants constitutional, claims RealClearWire new Natural News
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China responds to Trump threat of 100% tariffs on goods from BRICS countries by expanding relationship with its dollar-busting allies new Natural News
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Western attempts at crippling Russia’s economy with sanctions have FAILED, warns Putin new Natural News
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Coronavirus Oversight Committee releases “Action Review” report on lessons learned and “path forward” out of COVID new Natural News
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World’s largest investigative journalism group secretly controlled by U.S. deep state, report finds new Natural News
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Ontario orders doctor to pay back over CA$600K she earned from administering COVID-19 vaccines to tens of thousands new Natural News
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Ontario healthcare workers file CA$170M class action suit over province’s workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandate new Natural News
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Satanic Temple to launch religious program in Ohio elementary school new Natural News
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Mike Adams Sermon 57: When and where will the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON take place? new Natural News
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Tokyo introduces four-day workweek for government workers to boost birth rates new UPI
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US prosecutors charge suspect in United Healthcare CEO's killing with murder new 1 News Now
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