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How Israelis and Palestinians see the US election new BBC News
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US election weighs on Ukraine's frontline soldiers new BBC News
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How Britain is preparing for new US president new BBC News
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Accusations fly in Spain over who is to blame for flood disaster new BBC News
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The last place to be mapped in the US new BBC News
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'Him against the world' - how Vinicius Jr's fight goes beyond football new BBC News
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Democracy and economy are top issues new CNN
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Reporters outline the mood inside the Trump and Harris camps new CNN
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Trump campaign denies and revokes journalists’ election night credentials after critical coverage new CNN
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These 10 states are voting on abortion ballot measures in the 2024 election new CNN
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Fake video claiming fraud in Arizona the work of Russian network new CNN
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Rafael strengthens into a hurricane in the Caribbean. The storm and its path could change drastically as it heads toward US new CNN
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Israeli attacks in West Bank killed at least eight people, officials and residents say new CNN
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Protesters take over streets in Tel Aviv after defense minister is fired new CNN
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Equatorial Guinea cracks down on sex in government offices after leaked videos new CNN
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‘Too much grief and no joy’: This couple plans to return to the US after their dream life in France became a ‘nightmare’ ... new CNN
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Prince William tackled by young rugby players in South Africa new CNN
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Barry Keoghan hits back at trolls over ‘disgusting’ parenting comments new CNN
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Mysterious engraved pictographs may have led to the earliest form of writing new CNN
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From Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department new CNN
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See the most unforgettable moments of the 2024 election new CNN
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WHO: 2 UK mpox cases first local transmissions in Europe new VOA News - Science & Health
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Pictured: Sir Chris Hoy undergoes life-saving chemotherapy for deadly prostate cancer while wearing freezing cold cap to protect his hair new Mail Online - Health
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Terrifying untreatable 'genital super-fungus' that has been spotted in the US and France already 'silently' spreading in Britain, experts warn new Mail Online - Health
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'People need it every hour': Terrifying addiction risk of popular over-the-counter cold and flu remedy, warns top doctor new Mail Online - Health
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