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New Grasshopper-Like Material Can Leap 200 Times Its Own Thickness 20230905 01:16:06 715
All the Gold in the Universe Was (Likely) Created This Way 20230905 01:16:06 713
New layer of Earth is discovered 100 miles below the surface: Region of molten rock covers at least 44% of our planet 20230905 01:16:06 712
How to stop your cell phone from dying so fast 20230905 01:16:06 710
We have pumped so much groundwater that we have nudged Earth's spin 20230724 23:58:47 705
New Grasshopper-Like Material Can Leap 200 Times Its Own Thickness 20230724 23:58:47 690
Bouncing seismic waves reveal distinct layer in Earth inner core 20230724 23:58:47 689
How the construction site of long term memory gets built in the brain 20230724 23:58:47 687
All the Gold in the Universe Was Likely Created This Way 20230724 23:58:47 686
New layer of Earth is discovered 100 miles below the surface: Region of molten rock covers at least 44% of our planet 20230724 23:58:47 685
With Tesla battery packs and largest hydrogen tank in Japan, Panasonic tests a factory of the future 20230724 23:58:47 677
Sleeping beauties: the evolutionary innovations that wait millions of years to come good 20230702 03:55:20 672
Making mosquitoes love songs fall on deaf ears 20221203 23:26:16 662
Quantum Entanglement Has Now Been Directly Observed at The Macroscopic Scale 20221203 23:26:16 654
Gravity Is Still Shaping Earth's Surface From Deep Within, New Study Finds 20221203 23:26:16 650
How ants crawl on walls and defy gravity 20221203 08:23:10 646
Wood Wide Web: The secret, ancient, internet of plants 20220807 06:15:50 636
Disposable paper battery is activated by just a drop of water 20220807 06:15:50 635
Do we need a new theory of evolution? 20220807 06:15:50 634
The Human Mind Is Not Meant to Be Awake After Midnight, Scientists Warn 20220807 06:15:50 633
First successful operation with custom 3D-printed titanium lower jaw 20220807 06:15:50 632
Scientists Thought It Took Thousands of Years for Plastic to Decompose – It May Only Be Decades 20220724 02:43:05 627
Scientists Thought It Took Thousands of Years for Plastic to Decompose – It May Only Be Decades 20220724 02:43:05 626
The sustainable cities made from mud 20220724 02:43:05 624
Genetically Engineered, Sound-Controlled Bacteria That Seek and Destroy Cancer Cells 20220724 02:43:05 623
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