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Size matters: How body size shapes dogs' aging patterns 20231014 03:04:25 729
Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body 20231014 03:04:25 728
Will YOU Live Until You are 100? Answer May Lie In Your Blood, Scientists Claim As They Discover Secrets Of Longevity In Centenarians 20231014 03:04:25 727
Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body 20230924 08:49:57 724
Research proves common viruses may lead to cancer 20230905 01:16:06 722
Skincare Enthusiasts Claim Skin Smoothies Make Your Face Glow—Dermatologists Weigh In 20230905 01:16:06 720
Researchers discover mechanisms behind aggressive cancer metastases 20230905 01:16:06 719
How much water do you need? 20230905 01:16:06 718
Why do some people live to be 100? Intestinal bacteria may hold the answer 20230905 01:16:06 717
Dry Cleaning Chemical Could Be Major Cause of Parkinson, Scientists Warn 20230905 01:16:06 716
Rosemary is the secret to long and healthy hair. Here is how to use it to grow luscious locks 20230905 01:16:06 706
Research proves common viruses may lead to cancer 20230724 23:58:47 704
Why do some people live to be 100? Intestinal bacteria may hold the answer 20230724 23:58:47 698
Alzheimer: Could blood vessel damage in the eyes be driving cognitive impairment? 20230724 23:58:47 697
New Study: Mental Fatigue Can Impair Physical Exercise 20230724 23:58:47 695
Is bone health linked to brain health? 20230724 23:58:47 693
10-Minute Scan Enables Detection and Cure of Common Cause of High Blood Pressure 20230724 23:58:47 692
Dry Cleaning Chemical Could Be Major Cause of Parkinson, Scientists Warns 20230724 23:58:47 691
Treat burns by running affected skin under cold water for at least 20 minutes, advise experts 20230724 23:58:47 683
Taurine May Be a Key to Longer and Healthier Life 20230702 03:55:20 674
Short Night-Time Sleep Linked With 74% Increased Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease 20230702 03:55:20 673
New fluorescent dye can light up the brain 20230702 03:55:20 670
What does YOUR tongue say about your health? White patches are a sign you are fighting an infection, while too much smoothness indicates you are not eating enough vitamins 20230702 03:55:20 669
Older adults live longer in counties with greater age bias, researchers find 20221203 23:26:16 665
Survival medicine: 14 Natural alternatives to antibiotics 20221203 23:26:16 663
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