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TikTok asks federal appeals court to bar enforcement of potential ban until Supreme Court review new Economy & Businese - VOA
20241209 18:50:07
China launches anti-monopoly probe into Nvidia new Economy & Businese - VOA
20241209 18:50:07
Biokraft Foods Debuts Cultivated Chicken at India’s First-Ever Public Tasting for Cultivated Meat new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Oatly’s “Post Milk Generation” Trademark Rejected by UK Court Amid Dairy Industry Pushback new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Veganuary 2025’s “Weird?” Challenges Public’s Cognitive Dissonance in Boldest Campaign to Date new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
20241209 16:40:04
Celleste Bio Secures $4.5M to Scale Production of Cell-Cultured Cocoa, Mondelēz VC Arm Participates new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
20241209 16:40:04
Charity & Campaigns: : Latest News & Trends new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
20241209 16:40:04
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Becomes Exclusive Distributor for Revyve’s Yeast-Based Texturizing Ingredients in North America new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Marketing & Media: : Latest News & Trends new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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THIS Reveals New Brand Identity With Updated Packaging new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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India not pursuing shared BRICS currency Economy & Businese - VOA
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India not pursuing shared BRICS currency, analysts say Economy & Businese - VOA
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Planet A Foods Raises $30M to Scale Cocoa-Free Chocolate Alternative with 80% Less Carbon Footprint Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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US rebounds, adds 227,000 jobs in November Economy & Businese - VOA
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China fine tunes economic stimulus as it braces for new US administration Economy & Businese - VOA
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US farmers, economists weigh in on impact of tariffs Economy & Businese - VOA
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Oobli Gains FDA Nod for Sweet Protein Monellin, Expands Portfolio of Zero Glycemic Impact Sweeteners Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Fermentation: : Latest News & Trends Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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EatVappy: “Based on Our Sales Data, We Can Say the Plant Meat Sector in Türkiye is Growing Steadily” Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Chile’s Luyef Receives $1.25M to Develop Nutrients for Cultivated Meat Using Fermentation and Agro By-Products Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Investment Climate Podcast: Laurel Orley of Daily Crunch, How to Get Funded in 2024 Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Op Ed: Neil McCluskey, Textured Plant Proteins Global Director at Kerry, Explains the Consumer Trends Driving Innovation in Alt Protein Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Opinion: : Latest News & Trends Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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Cultivated Meat: : Latest News & Trends Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
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