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As Trump returns to assassination attempt site, Secret Service is 'at a breaking point,' officials say new NBC News
20241005 11:50:03
Elon Musk says he will attend Trump rally in Pennsylvania at site of July assassination attempt new NBC News
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After the storm, North Carolina faces daunting task of housing survivors left homeless new NBC News
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Everest gets taller and the harsh realities of Fat Bear Week: The weekly quiz new NBC News
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‘A country music renaissance’: Mickey Guyton on her new album and the state of the industry new NBC News
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Israel launches more strikes on Beirut amid ongoing border clashes with Hezbollah new NBC News
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San Jose Japanese American farm from early 1900s to be demolished for urban housing new NBC News
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Haitian gang slaughters at least 70 people as thousands flee new NBC News
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Trump returns to scene of shooting - and a town trying to heal new BBC News
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The puzzling rise of cancer in younger people new BBC News
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Premier League: Crystal Palace v Liverpool - build-up & team news new BBC News
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Guardiola wants delayed start for Man City next season new BBC News
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Ten Hag decision 'not my call' - Ratcliffe new BBC News
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Day-Lewis film shoot ticketed by traffic wardens new BBC News
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Watch: Pearly Kings and Queens Harvest Festival 1948 new BBC News
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For a Quebec shipbuilder, the road to Canadian icebreakers goes through Helsinki new The Globe and Mail
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Why Pierre Poilievre can’t crack the Quebec code new The Globe and Mail
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'Do they want to see me dead?': Tears of TV menopause Dr over BBC Panorama documentary that has left her reputation close to ... new MailOnline - News
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Shock leaked tape reveals Donald Trump cracking a JOKE about widow of firefighter killed by rally assassin new MailOnline - News
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Burglar breaks into woman's home, hangs up her washing, puts away her shopping and empties bin - before leaving note telling her to ... new MailOnline - News
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Does this shop front look 'unacceptable' to you? The market town dry cleaners in battle with council new MailOnline - News
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Bezos's billion-dollar secret: Amazon founder reveals how a one-hour ritual led to his success new MailOnline - News
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Why drawing British man paid less than £1,000 for could sell for £2MILLION new MailOnline - News
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Mystery of missing Victoria: Distraught fiancé reveals the bride-to-be just wanted to give their daughter the childhood she never had as he sobs: ... new MailOnline - News
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RICHARD EDEN: Another loss for Emma Raducanu as Porsche take back freebie... three years after stunning US Open win new MailOnline - News
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