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Kitchen knives found hidden in pants during police blitz new 9News
20241222 01:50:27
Trump picks The Apprentice producer for major role new 9News
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Luna Park launches legal action to protect NYE party amid rail union disputes new 9News
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Millions will see Bobbi's artwork at the 2025 Australian Open new 9News
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Father's plea after Aussie boy stuck in Vanuatu following earthquake disaster new 9News
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Woman found dead at property in Queensland new 9News
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Flight delayed? You might have more rights very soon new 9News
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38 people die in a crash between a passenger bus and a truck in Brazil new 9News
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Motorcyclist fighting for life after crashing into horse on Queensland highway new 9News
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Family's anguish as neighbour allegedly caught on camera bashing missing dog new 9News
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'Newest frontier of poverty' impacting Aussie kids new 9News
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Recent high school graduate allegedly killed after brawl new 9News
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Delta Goodrem turns to Hollywood for TV Christmas special new 9News
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Government accused of fuelling inflation after new spending figures new 9News
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Embarrassed Aussies driving out of town to access support amid 'silent epidemic' new 9News
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Queensland government to review DV service struggling to pick up calls new 9News
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Emergency warnings issued as bushfires continue in Victoria new 9News
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One man's idea changed Christmas trees forever new 9News
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Baseball legend Rickey Henderson dies aged 65 new 9News
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Victim's family forgives school shooter during funeral new 9News
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One country to ban TikTok for a year after stabbing death of teen new 9News
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Man charged after cop allegedly stabbed with sword during call out new 9News
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Aussies rescued from Vanuatu after earthquake as flights resume new 9News
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Neo-Nazis unveil 'disgusting' sign outside Victorian parliament new 9News
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Kitchen knives found hidden in pants during police blitz new 9News
20241222 00:41:18
Generals Business & finance Science & nature Psychology & humanities Life, fashion & sports global Health & live science || Recommended articles
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